There is No One-size Fits All

Your unique products deserve customized packaging. At Layfield, we understand the requirements to help you achieve the specific packaging formats your products require.

Appealing to consumers is your ultimate goal. We will help your product stand out on the shelf and convey your brand message so your consumers can easily remember it.

Layfield’s packaging experts can develop structures and formats that meet your needs. We offer many convenience features such as easy opening, peeling, and re-sealing. Please consult an expert today to see how we can tailor your diverse needs into a single package.

Browse Food Packaging Products

Sustainable Packaging

Our sustainable packaging options use less material and require fewer resources to produce and transport than other packaging formats holding similar product volumes. Its versatility and customizability make it an excellent fit for a wide range of products, reducing waste and saving resources. But its most significant benefit is that it can be designed with recyclable content and recyclability, further reducing its carbon footprint. With our PCR and How2Recycle pre-qualified store drop-off options, you can choose our sustainable packaging, knowing that you’re making a positive impact for the future.


Our food packaging is highly customizable, allowing brands to showcase their unique identity with designs, colors, and logos that catch the eye of consumers. It is also highly functional, with easy-to-open and reseal zippers that keep products fresh for longer and assist in waste reduction. Additionally, its lightweight and compact design makes it cost-effective compared to traditional rigid packaging. Moreover, our packaging is available in eco-friendly options for businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact.


Customers are attracted to packaging designs that are visually appealing and unique. A well-designed package can catch a customer’s eye and communicate key messages about the product. This is particularly important in a crowded marketplace where many similar products compete for attention. Additionally, easy-to-use and store packaging can be attractive to customers, as it enhances the overall user experience. Furthermore, packaging that aligns with a customer’s values or preferences, such as sustainability or convenience, can also determine their purchase. The innovative benefits of our packaging can combine aesthetic appeal and functionality while aligning with your customer’s values.

Haven’t Found the Product You Need? Please Reach Out to Our Team

Whatever your needs, our team is ready to help you find exactly what you are looking for. Chat with one of our experts to get your packaging journey started today!