Pet Care Packaging

Customized Pet Care Packaging Solutions for an Evolving Market

If you’re in the pet care industry, it’s essential to have a strategy for successful product launches, including reliable packaging. With pet owners increasingly concerned about the well-being of their furry friends, their needs and expectations are continually evolving. In a market where new competitors are emerging, it’s more important than ever to have packaging that catches the consumer’s eye.

At Layfield, we specialize in high-definition rotogravure printing that enables us to customize and deliver packaging that features exceptional design and functionality. Our focus is on creating a positive brand experience, and we aim to provide packaging that safeguards your pet products, ensuring that they reach your customers in optimal condition. With our services, you can avoid supply chain risks associated with global sourcing.

Don’t hesitate to speak with one of our expert consultants to learn how we can help you overcome supply chain challenges and ensure efficient and reliable delivery of packaging that exceeds your expectations. Contact us today!

Browse Pet Care Packaging

Sustainable Packaging

Our sustainable packaging uses less material and requires fewer resources to produce and transport than other packaging formats holding similar product volumes. Its versatility and customizability make it an excellent fit for a wide range of products, reducing waste and saving resources. But its most significant benefit is that it can be designed with recyclable content and recyclability, further reducing its carbon footprint. With our PCR and How2Recycle pre-qualified store drop-off options, you can choose our sustainable packaging, knowing that you’re making a positive impact for the future.

Maximize Shelf Life

Our customizable, flexible packaging is ideal for protecting your pet care products and extending their shelf life. Two top concerns for pet food and treat manufacturers are microbial spoilage and oxidation, and our packaging addresses these issues by utilizing exceptional barrier properties. Reducing spoilage and waste, it helps to keep food fresh and flavourful for longer periods. Additionally, our packaging helps maintain the integrity of the vitamins and minerals within the pet food and reduces nutrient degradation. Consumers demand the best for their pets, and our packaging delivers.

Exceptional Graphics

Customers are drawn to packaging designs that are visually appealing and unique. A well-designed package can catch a customer’s eye and communicate key messages about the product. This is particularly important in a crowded marketplace where many similar products compete for attention. Our packaging offers a canvas for brands to convey their messaging, utilizing various printing techniques, from registered varnishes to specialty matte or gloss finishes, to high-resolution Rotogravure graphics. Stand out on a shelf in a competitive environment and attract your consumers’ attention.

Haven’t Found the Product You Need? Please Reach Out to Our Team

Whatever your needs, our team is ready to help you find exactly what you are looking for. Chat with one of our experts to get your packaging journey started today!